Monday, July 25, 2016

Doctor Zahinoor Ismail Research Expands Definition of Dementia Alzheimer's

Doctor Zahinoor Ismail of the University of Calgary recently presented the new Dementia research findings at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Toronto.  This will prove beneficial in expanding definitions of treatment and care for individual’s experiencing the undesired symptoms of dementia. 

Researchers have begun outlining early signs of dementia naming the syndrome mild behavioral impairment.  By listing how early symptoms present the doctor and family can use the syndrome descriptions to communicate about the early signs being seen by those closest to the senior experiencing dementia. 

This links changes in thought which can be seen by changes in the senior’s daily activity. 

     Mental          behavioral

     Thought       action 

This is about seeing differences in thinking and doing.      

With a clinic visit the medical staff will describe the need for help with (IADL's) instrumental activities of daily living as an inability to engage in executive function.  This communicates a difficulty between thinking and doing.

IADL's examples:

- with dementia the senior will stop bathing because they do not know how to work the shower long before they are physically functionally unable to bathe.

- with dementia the senior will stop making toast because they do not know how to work the toaster long before they are physically functionally unable to make toast.

- with dementia the senior will stop dressing in laundered varied outfits because they do not know how to choose appropriate wear long before they are physically functionally unable to dress.

- with dementia the senior will stop shaving because they do not know how to work the electric clipper long before they are physically functionally unable to shave.

Home Care Path is a well-known Wisconsin senior living organization committed to delivering research driven updates to the community through multiple digital channels. 

Take a first peek at the open structure designed to strengthen a families access to the help they need in real time.  Families can list their need and support partners can list their availability.  This concise application exists to save families precious time and resources they so desperately need to effectively care for their loved one.

This is limiting variety to craft a precise, unambiguous approach to creating a match to best solve the well defined need for help managing early phase symptoms of dementia.  Leveraging technology to operate an electronic marketplace will assure access anywhere in the world.

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